Storied Landscapes
In 1989 while using the Polaroid 20x24 camera in the studio, I was able to place clear acetates of my writing inside the back of the camera. Shortly thereafter, while traveling in the Southwest with my medium format camera, I began to see language everywhere not only in the written petroglyphs left by the Anasazi but in the layers of geology revealed in the landscape. As I looked through the viewfinder, I saw a new field in which to record my own stories while including those of an ancient culture. This was another way for me to “map” the landscapes of the Southwest.
Albuquerque Escarpment
Chaco Canyon
Deer Petroglyph
Man with Spear Petroglyph
Mormon House
Painted Desert Landscape
Painted Desert
Rancho de Taos
Slot Canyon
Stork with Baby
Sun Petroglyph
Sunset Crater
Taos Gorge
Finger Paint and Zuni Wall
Conversation in Front of a Wall
Self Portrait
The Herd